About Our Pastor
Dr. Surrendra Gangadean
Organizing Pastor, Westminster Fellowship
Author, Philosophical Foundation
President, The Logos foundation
Having been raised in a Hindu family in the West, I came to see the emptiness of the teaching that all is one, and I struggled deeply with how to find meaning in life. I explored Buddhism which says there is no being but only becoming, and existential atheism which says that I am the author of my own being, but both failed to retain meaning upon analysis. I was introduced to popular Christianity but wondered why do I need Christ as savior if it is not clear that God exists?
Then, by God’s grace, in the winter of 1961, through Biblical teaching in Psalm 100:3 (Know that the Lord is God; it is he who has made us and not we ourselves), Ephesians 2:8-9 (It is by grace you are saved through faith lest any man should boast), and Hebrews 11:6 (Without faith—by which we understand that he exists—it is impossible to please God), I came to understand that meaning is found only in God our creator and redeemer.
I have grown in my faith since that time as I discovered the historic Christian Faith summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith. As I saw how the Confession emphasizes the glory of God revealed through all his works, I also affirmed man’s chief end as filling the earth with the knowledge of God. At Westminster Fellowship, we affirm this historic Christian Faith and welcome you to join us in knowing and glorifying God.
Surrendra Gangadean
Phoenix, 2019
Public Lectures:
Unity of the Faith: Settling Disputes in the Church
Presented by Surrendra Gangadean September 25, 2018
Recorded at Grand Canyon University
Reason and the witness of the church:
Presented by Surrendra Gangadean
Recorded at Grand Canyon University